Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I have often heard the story of my birth. I was fourteen days late. When mother was finally in labour with me it took hours and hours. Eventually the doctor could no longer hear my heartbeat. They had to poke my head to be sure I was okay. Mom then had to have c-section. I was born a healthy 9lbs 10 oz.
I like to think that I might have been resistant to leave my heavenly home. Perhaps that's why heavenly father brought heaven to me when he gave me an angel for a mother.
I love you too mom!!!! Happy Mother's Day

These are for you!


Connie said...

Thanks, Honey,
You were worth all the pain!!!! The others can thank you for being such a wonderful baby and daughter that I wanted to have more! That is why they are here.....I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
You are a wonderful mother!

Smiths said...

Cleaver idea anna! I should of thought of the digital flowers!!! Happy mothers day! we do have a great mom dont we!!

Megan said...

Hey Anna! I love your blog! Your girls are adorable. They are getting so big!!